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Elan One² - Quick Help - Knowledgebase / Elan Series - DAB+ Radios - PURE SUPPORT

Elan One² - Quick Help

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Our most important tips for using your portable Elan One²Copy link to Our most important tips for using your portable Elan One² to clipboard

  1. Before operating the product, you should always read the Elan One² Quick Start Guide.

You can find the QSG for the Elan One² in our Download Centre.

  1. Before we start, let's point out the obvious.

Make sure the antenna is fully extended and all plastic covers have been removed. Connect your device to a power source via a USB power adapter (not included) or insert 4 AA batteries according to the +/- markings.

Make sure that the slider on the side is in the ON position.

  1. Switching Elan One² on/off

Press the “Volume/Select” dial to switch on your Elan One².

Want to find out more?

  1. Scanning and selecting DAB+ or FM stations

We have two separate articles on these topics, which you can select by clicking on the highlighted words.

  1. Saving or recalling a preset

The Elan One² allows you to save your favourite stations to the quick access buttons.

More details can be found here.

  1. Changing the source

This is kept straight forward. Pressing the "Source" button will select the source played. If you want to know more about the source options, read this article here.

  1. Setting an alarm

The Elan One² has 2 different alarm clocks that you can set. We have created a detailed step-by-step help article to explain the details.

  1. Pairing a Bluetooth device

When you select Bluetooth as the source, pairing mode is activated. More detailed instructions on how to find your Elan One² on the device to be paired and further information on pairing with BT can be found here.

  1. Adjusting the display brightness

The brightness of the display of your Elan One² can be adjusted. Find out how.