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How to use the new Airable Internet Radio Software / Platform - Knowledgebase / Help by Connection Type (BT, Internet,...) / Internet radios / General Internet Radio Questions - PURE SUPPORT

How to use the new Airable Internet Radio Software / Platform

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Like all other major radio brands, Pure has also switched its internetradio service provider from a company called Frontier Nuvola Smart Radio to a German company

called airable GmbH.


For you as a user nothing much will change unless you have used the favourites function with the old Nuvola Smart Radio. To transfer your old list to the new airable system you have

to follow a few simple steps that we outlined below.


  1. create a new account with airable















  1. Export your favourites from the Nuvola platform


  1. Import your favourites to the your new airable account







  1. This feature will remain available until the end on November 2024