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How can I add an internet radio station or podcast of my choice to the database (Evoke C-F6 or Evoke F3)? - Knowledgebase / Help by Connection Type (BT, Internet,...) / Internet radios / General Internet Radio Questions - PURE SUPPORT

How can I add an internet radio station or podcast of my choice to the database (Evoke C-F6 or Evoke F3)?

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If the radio station that you are looking for on your Evoke F3 or Evoke C-F6 is not available in the Internet Radio station database, or there appears to be an issue with a broken link, you can open a ticket with airable who will be happy to assist you with this. 

Simply go to Suggest Station or Suggest Podcast to open a support request directly with the internet radio service provider. 

When making requests for a new station to be added, please ensure you mention the following details: 

  • Station Name

  • Country

  • Website

This station will then be added in due course. Please note that there may be some rare instances where it may not be possible to add certain stations if the streaming format is not compatible.