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Internet Radio: Change from Frontier to Airable Service [Evoke range, Classic Stereo, Elan range] - Knowledgebase / Help by Connection Type (BT, Internet,...) / Internet radios - PURE SUPPORT

Internet Radio: Change from Frontier to Airable Service [Evoke range, Classic Stereo, Elan range]

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Have you lost your favourites or have questions about your internet station on one of your Pure radio devices?Copy link to Have you lost your favourites or have questions about your internet station on one of your Pure radio devices? to clipboard

Internet functions remain free of charge!

Until now, Pure Internet radios have used the Nuvola service from Frontier Smart to manage your favourites. However, this service will be discontinued by Nuvola/Frontier at the end of the year.

The Internet radio and podcast services have already been provided by airable since 2019.

However, nothing will change for you:

Airable GmbH will take over these services for all affected Pure Internet radios from November onwards. The change will take place automatically and unnoticed in the background. You can continue to use your Pure Internet radio free of charge as usual for Internet radio, podcasts and favourites as long as they have been stored on the device*.

*Anyone who has set up and used a personalized favourites portal with Nuvola/Frontier must transfer this manually to Airable in a few simple steps.

Import Frontier Nuvola Favourites

FAQs to the transition from Frontier Smart to airable

How to register, manage and import favourites

Favourites stored in the 'old' Nuvola portal will have to be exported before they can be upload to the airable portal.

The New Portal

Contact the airable support

If you are still facing issues or are having questions about the internet radio service, pls. don´t hesitate to open a ticket here.