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Streaming content stored on your PC to your Jongo

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Streaming content stored on your PC to your Jongo

You can now access local content that is stored on your PC, Mac or NAS drive and stream this to your Jongo. This guide is for Windows users.

To use this feature you need to make sure your App is on the latest Version
(Check either the Apple App store or Google play in case you need to update)

If you are using a PC you need to “share” your media so it can be seen by the Pure Connect app.
If you have a NAS drive this will be automatically be seen (If you can’t see your NAS drive please contact the manufacture so they can instruct you on how to share your content)

Windows PC
We suggest using Windows Media Player to share your Music.
The device on which you have audio or media you want to share must be located on the same network as your Jongo and your mobile device (iPhone, iPad or Android device)
Below are instructions for Windows Media Player 12 and Windows Media Player 11

Windows Media Player 12

Start Windows Media Player, click “Stream” and click on “Turn on media streaming

Then click on “Turn on media streaming” (see below)

Please Note: If this option has already been enabled, you will need to click on More Streaming options…

You now need to click “Allow all”, however, you can specify individual devices if you wish.

Now click on Customize (see image above) alongside each device and on the following screen, select Make all of the media In my library available to this device before clicking OK.

Locating and indexing your music

When you set up a media server you need to tell the server the location of the media you want served. Telling the media server the location of your music will allow the server to start a process called indexing. Indexing allows a server to scan the entire contents of what is to be served and build its own internal library of the locations of each individual file. This helps the server quickly find the individual files you request when you start using the server.

Windows Media Player server will automatically look for, and index, any music files in the default My Music folder found in your My Documents folder. If you have your music collection in this folder then you don't need to tell the server where it is and the process of indexing will have already started. However, if you have your music stored in a different folder then you will need to tell your server where that music is located so it can index and serve it.

The default setting will be folders located in My Documents - which contain all the 'My' folders – including My Music. If you want to add other locations you need to click on:

File > Manage Libraries > Music to locate the relevant paths to your locations. (as seen in below)

Please note: If your Menu bar is not visible in the player, please right click in the area denoted by the arrow and click on Show menu bar for these additional options.

This will open a new dialogue window (shown above) and allow you to manage the Music Library Locations. You will now need to click on the Add button to add other locations of stored music content.  Once you have located your chosen folder, left click with your mouse until highlighted, before finally selecting Include Folder and then OK.


You are now ready to stream your content to your Jongos (see below (after the Windows Media Player 11 details) for instructions

Windows Media Player 11

Setting up any type of server consists of a few fundamental steps. You need server software (in this case we have Windows Media Player), you'll need to give the server a name, you'll need to tell the server what you want to serve, and you'll need to tell the server the location of what you want to serve.

Start Windows Media Player and click the Library drop down menu and select Media Sharing. Don't worry if your version of Media Player doesn't looks exactly the same; the menu structures will be the same.

Click Share My Media To: and click the now highlighted Settings button. This is where you can name your server and tell the server what type of media you want to serve. For this music media server I have named my server My_Server and I have specified Music as the type of media to be served in My Media Types, and All Ratings

Click Ok and your media server is now set up.

Locating and indexing your music

When you set up a media server you need to tell the server the location of the media you want served. Telling the media server the location of your music will allow the sever to start a process called 'indexing'. Indexing allows a server to scan the entire contents of what is to be served and build it's own internal library of the locations of each individual file. This helps the server quickly find the individual files you request when you start using the server.

Windows Media Player server will automatically look for, and index, any music files in the default My Music folder found in your My Documents folder. If you have your music collection in this folder then you don't need to tell the server where it is and the process of indexing will have already started. However if you have your music stored in a different folder then you will need to tell your server where that music is located so it can index and serve it.

Click the Library drop down menu and click Add To Library. The default setting will be My Personal Folders - which include all the 'My' folders found in 'My Documents' - including 'My Music'. If you want to add other locations you need to click Advanced Options and add the relevant paths to your locations.

Tip! When setting up a media server you must ensure your media is on the same network and preferably on the local host machine (the same machine that is hosting the server).

Once you have finished, click OK and the server can start indexing.

In Windows Media Player click the Library drop down menu and click Media Sharing. You will now see a device listed – probably named 'Unknown Device' – that you can ‘allow’ to connect. Providing there are no other media servers on the same network this unknown device will be your radio. Click the Unknown Device and click Allow.

That’s it you are now ready to start streaming to your Jongos (see below for instructions)

How to stream to my Jongo

Open the Pure Connect App and sign in. Select “ Music” once in the Music tab you can navigate by swiping left or right until you reach " Music Library"

You will now see local music

Tap on local music and you will be presented with music storage devices that are on your network. Select the one you want to listen to.
You then need to select Music ( Apple) All Music (Android) and you will be presented with the tracks that are stored on your PC